About Us
- Our goal is to help workers and leaders create a mindset of autonomy that results in meeting their desired goals and destinies.
- We value and respect individuals and their mindsets, the quest to understand differences, and the science of decision making.
- We believe that all workers and leaders have the potential to be self-sufficient through self-confidence and self-accountability in their contributions to collaborative work in the quest for success.
- Our mode of work is to know your own mindset, those of your collaborators, and to make decisions based on the alignment of these mindsets for best results in all work.

Building Knowledge Worker Autonomy
The seven skills of knowledge worker autonomy include:
- Considers mindset
- Sets goals and pursues results
- Values inquiry and learning
- Ensures data access and uses data for decisions
- Reflects for generating new ideas and celebrates new value
- Makes decisions
- Creates new value
Building an Autonomous Environment
The seven conditions of an autonomous environment include:
- Organizational goals, values, beliefs, and mode of work are defined and shared.
- Stakeholder awareness of mindsets is required and supported with relevant data and information.
- A system of data and information is available for analysis of stakeholder thinking, global and local trends and events, and future-state potential opportunities.
- A learning system structure is used to build confidence, inquiry, and learning-oriented knowledge work.
- Recognition and rewards are earned by new value creators and contributors.
- Intrapreneuring for new ideas is formally supported and reinforced.
- Management practices vary situationally depending on the nature of current work.

Our portfolio of value-creating projects
Multiple programs have demonstrated individual and environmental autonomy.
- IT and software product documentation and training, earning peer award recognition
- Customer service operations, improving satisfaction from 5% to 95%
- Strategic partnerships for developing new customers, products, and services, integrating small and large operational organizations
- Project-structured mentoring programs, fostering mentor and mentee growth
- University project-based internships between the emerging workforce and employers, earning university award recognition
- Knowledge Work Institute and Network (LinkedIn platform) to host dialogue on knowledge work, innovation, and intrapreneuring, providing enlightening insights on achieving growth
How we work - Company Team Concept
Our team includes a knowledge work facilitator, the guidance of industry and behavioral economists, and you as the expert on your goals and organization. Knowledge work is guided by the agency, options, and control of autonomy and implemented by your company team of experts and leaders.

Jane Frankel
Thought Leader
Jane Frankel is a business author, lifelong educator, workforce consultant, and successful entrepreneur. Her 2023 book is “The Intentional Mindset: Data Decisions, and Your Destiny” (Business Expert Press). A second book, “Building an Autonomous Environment…for Yourself and Your Organization” will be published in 2025 (Business Expert Press).”
She is Managing Principal of the Art of Performance LLC, which she founded in 2007. Frankel has been an advocate of lifelong learning throughout her career as a teacher, organizational design specialist, and education program developer in both private and public sectors.
Frankel’s focus is on building 21st century innovation and learning cultures through workforce and customer engagement, strategic alliances, internships, and innovation planning. Frankel holds an MS degree in Organizational Dynamics from the University of PA and a MS in Education from Temple University, both in Philadelphia, PA. She has served on multiple boards and associations focused on innovation and learning activities.
Recent Publication
The Intentional Mindset: Data, Decisions, and Your Destiny
Do you derail yourself or do you propel yourself toward success?
Why do some people consistently make good decisions – ones that drive them toward more and more success – while others seem to constantly derail themselves instead?
Your decisions lead to your destiny. You can make good decisions or bad decisions. These decisions are very often based on your mindset. Recognizing the power of your mindset is essential to reaching your destiny.
Your mindset includes your goals, values, beliefs , and mode of work. It provides the framework for how you think, how you behave, and why you make decisions. Understanding your mindset puts you in control of your life.
Book Purchase

Ongoing Dialogue within the Knowledge Work Institute (Found on LinkedIn)
All are welcome to participate.
- Autonomy: Agency, Options, Control
- Invisible Capital (Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Chris Rabb) and your mindset
- Teams and Stakeholders, Joining Mindsets
- Making Decisions
- Reflecting as a Routine